Patience is Key

          It can be frustrating when dealing with anxiety. Sometimes, you may feel as though your symptoms are never-ending. Despite this, it is important to understand that anxiety, as many things, often comes in waves. We may go through months or years of heightened anxiety that is very intense. On the contrary, we may go through certain amounts of time with little to no anxiety at all.

          By remembering that sensations, emotions, and periods in our lives often come in waves, it becomes easier for us to have patience with our anxiety. Anxiety sufferers often invest great amounts of time and effort in dealing with their symptoms. This includes learning coping techniques and partaking in therapy or medication. Trying several different healing techniques can be exhausting, especially when they appear to have little to no effect on improving your anxiety. However, patience is key and your efforts will eventually show benefits.

          It is also important for the anxiety sufferer to stay consistent with their coping techniques. Personally, I sometimes feel frustrated when I begin to think of all that I have done in order to improve my anxiety, yet sense that I still have a long way to go before seeing great improvement. During times like this, it is necessary to remind yourself that your effort is not a waste. There will be reward for your efforts, and getting down on yourself does not help your anxiety.

          Overall, patience must come hand-in-hand with anxiety. Anxiety is very time consuming on one's mental health, and the sufferer must put time back into improving the detrimental affects that accompany anxiety.
